[Report] Thesis presentation of 2016-year master-course students was held
Above public presentation was held on Feb. 13-14.
上田 雄大 ”Automating Audio Mastering Using Characteristic Extraction”
徳田 遼太 ”Development of Anime Recommendation System Using Content-based Filtering”
西原 一紀 ”Pitch Estimation of Bass Line from Polyphonic Music by a Weighted Sum of Overtone and Undertone”
渡部 博紀 ”Design and Implementation of Software Keyboard Using Flick Input Based on Characteristics of One-handed Thumb Operation”
加藤 修 ”Game Tree Search in Digital Curling with Continuity and Uncertainty”
齋藤 宗太郎 ”Analyzing and Improving Sustainability of Coordinated Interaction on Perceptual Crossing Experiment”
遠峰 孝太 ”Analysis of Time Characteristics of Medaka Swarm using Convolutional Neural Network”
宮澤 初穂 ”Bilateral Electroencephalogram Interaction using Neurofeedback Training”
細川 皓平 ”A Study on Music Loops Generation using DCGAN”
京谷 篤 ”Influences of reinforced concrete walls for prediction of indoor propagation characteristics between adjacent floors”
市居 遼平 ”Research on distributed processing using edge servers to develop winter road information services”
齋藤 篤志 ”Research on multi-objective optimal deployment method for cloud web systems”
阿部 貴大 ”A study on a picture drawing system making unicursal art from line drawings”
岸里 正樹 ”A study on smartphone user authentication by lip motion recognition and parent-child cooperation”
木谷 有生誠 ”A study on P2P chat application with information diffusion and contents filtering”
小林 澄都 ”A study on a Blokus beginner support system visualizing game strategy”
佐々木 慧 ”A study on a Tangram problem generation system with silhouette approximation”
菊地 哲史 ”Study on analysis of distribution valued data with temporal variations”
高丸 裕基 ”On the detection of Qualitative interaction for multiple treatments”
難波江 貴行 ”Connected Component Enumeration for Detecting HotSpot based on a Restricted Likelihood Ratio”
栗田 和宏 ”Efficient Enumeration Algorithms for Induced Matchings in a Graph”
佐々木 耀一 ”Efficient Approximate 3-Dimensional Point Set Matching and Its Application to Analysis of Influenza Viruses”
三浦 健太 ”Flower Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks”
長部 和仁 ”Fast Discovery of the Optimal Ordered Decision Tree Based on Frequent Itemset Mining”
木村 誠 ”Design Aid System for Web Advertising Images by Interactive Evolutionary Computation”
高橋 諒 ”Proposal of Context-Thick Dialogue System using Adaptive Utterance Mechanism in Environment”
武田 涼太 ”Proposal of gamification system for facilitating social activities”
ベン セイ ”Proposal and Implementation of Movement Support System by Synchronizing Heart Rate with Music Tempo”
宮本 晴司 ”Proposal of Methods that Extract Features of User’s State Using Time-Series Feature of Physiological Signals”
渡邉 将司 ”Proposal of Representative Locations Method for Predicting Pedestrian’s Destination Based on Social Force Model”
叶 江 ”Snow Simulation Considering Pressure Sintering”
熊木 逸人 ”Rapid and Accurate Time-synchronization Technique using General-purpose Camera and Its Application to Visible Light Communication”
池田 啓 ”A Study on Improvement of Estimation Accuracy of Expected Runs in Baseball Games Based on Extended DL Models”
久保内 悠馬 ”A Study on Fast Similarity Calculation of Curves Based on B-Spline”
菅井 龍馬 ”A Study on Noise Suppression of Audio Signals by Iterative Zero Phase Method”
橋本 樹 ”A Study on Shifts of QZ Method for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems”
鈴内 翔太 ”Indoor Behavior Analysis of Multiple People Using an Infrared Ceiling Sensor Network”
穐本 浩昇 ”Prediction of icy road in Sapporo using ABS data”
竹内 文登 ”A fast method for solving logical-constrained shortest path problem based on A* search”
難波 基 ”Mining concepts that represent data base differences based on a dimension reduction method regarding commonality and specificity”
小野寺大輝 ”Facet-Based Topic Model and its Application to Patent Map Generation”